Cancellation Policy
To respect each other’s time, we ask that you cancel your appointment with 48 hrs. advance notice or more, and your session fee is refundable or usable for future. You choose. If you cancel less than 48 hours, your 100% session fee will be held as a credit for future use. No refunds will be offered. If you cancel with 24 hours to 48 hours advance notice, then 50% of your session fee is kept as a credit, and the remaining 50% is non-refundable. If you cancel, reschedule or no show for your appointment less than 24 hours’ notice, your entire fee is non-refundable and no credit will be offered. 48 and 24 hours is based off the time of your appointment, not any time of day the 2 days or 1 day before. So, if your appointment is 1pm ET you must make your changes by 1pm the day before or two days before. Any time after that is considered less than 24 hours or less than 48 hours. Again, if you reschedule within 48 hours there is no fee or charge. Your appointment is simply rescheduled, or you may request a refund. You choose. Changes are requested by email or text. Please no VM.