About Elizabeth
I’m Elizabeth Carey, Founder of Elizabeth Carey Hypnotherapy, part of The Real Work, LLC.
I started this extension of my leadership development business because I saw a missing piece in the world today. Real, sustainable help in relieving life’s struggles in a way that is practical and makes sense for real people, in their real lives. And, in a way that actually works and makes a difference quickly.
Everyone has some or a few life struggles that limit them in some way. And, more than likely they have tried many things to resolve this, so they can move forward in life feeling accomplished, peaceful, easeful, happy, and vital.
However, often these struggles are relentless, and don’t want to let up in our lives.
High on the wish list for everyone is simple – RELIEF, RESOLUTION, and SOLUTIONS. Relief from the relentless, stressful experience that is happening in your life and the chance to live a life you know, on some level, you deserve.
Something free of difficulty, more simple, less complicated, calmer, and less anxious. Something that is free, light, vital, and safe.
And, that is why I created this kind of healing access. To co-create this with you together.
When people work with me at Elizabeth Carey Hypnotherapy, you get a partner in your recovery and healing. I, too, had an enormously difficult history and path to overcome. This healing journey is personal to me, and I know what it takes.
I grew up in a very dangerous alcoholic home that was not safe and I grew up unprotected, unloved, and entirely not nurtured. I came into adulthood scared and filled with terror, while also adopting strategies that made me look like I was handling it all.
I was a true imposter, but I didn’t know it. I was only doing my best, surviving, and employing the skills that kept me alive in childhood into the present day.
There was a lot for me to digest, resolve, unpack, and heal, but I did it (and still am) and you can, too. I promise you there is nothing special about me. The only thing I can say that I did, is I kept moving forward and healing even when I thought it wasn’t possible for me.
I promise you, it is possible for you, too!
I can’t wait to meet you!
Your Partner in Recovery! Elizabeth C.

Education and Certifications
Over 20 years working with people 1:1 in their businesses, and personal lives, conducting seminars, and all kinds of interpersonal and developmental workshops.
25 years’ work with a Master Therapist trained by the renowned psychologists and therapists Erik Erikson and Louis Ormont.
An M.S. in Business Counseling a B.S. in Psychology and a minor in Women's Studies
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist (CCHT)
Certified Yoga & Meditation Teacher
Certified Education on Enneagram Personality Assessment